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Trademark Registration

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As in many other countries, a trademark in China is a distinctive brand or mark used by an individual to identify that their product or service originates from only one source. This mark develops a value not only to the owner due to its distinctiveness but also to customers who associate this trademark with a specific product or service and therefore have certain expectations of the quality of the particular product or service.
All kinds of products or services are subject to trademark controls in China where counterfeit products are very common. China does not recognize trademark rights of products that are registered in other countries.
Protecting your company’s trademark in China is a strategic move in the long term and should be carefully considered.
We will assist you in the preparation of the documents required to set up a trademark registration which includes a copy of your Business License plus a completed Trademark Application form.  It will take approximately 4 months to set up the trade mark ™ and 12 months minimum for registration ®. We do not charge any annual fees to maintain the trademark after registration.

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Service Process

5 Steps to Get it Finished

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